Have you ever been at home, or having lunch with friends, and heard a buzzing noise coming from under the sink? It is not what you think-it is drains flies, and they are a real nuisance! Drain flies are tiny little flies-they look like black gnats or mosquitos-that are responsible for buzzing around in drains as they look for food. They can cause a real headache if they get into your drains and can quickly become invasive if there is more than one drain in your home. So, how do you get rid of drain flies for good?
Despite what its name might imply, drain flies are not flies at all-they are actually wasps. And like all wasps, they sting. Fortunately, drain flies do not seem to be as common as flies in general. But if they do appear in your home, getting rid of them should be your priority. You can start by using fly screens for doors and windows to keep them out of your household.
Besides these precautions, you can try to eradicate the flies from their source of breeding. They invade sinks, tubs, and toilets to lay eggs. The eggs hatch into larvae, which feed on organic material. Keep in mind that sometimes even poor drainage systems can contribute to the presence of drain flies by creating stagnant water and providing an ideal environment for organic material accumulation. If you were to identify such issues, rest assured as Drainage Repair Company, Express Drainage Solutions or similar others could provide professional assistance in resolving drainage problems and preventing drain fly infestations.
Identify the source
If you discover your home has been invaded by drain flies, it is time to take immediate action! Drain flies breed in drains and sewers, so finding the drain or sewer from which the flies are coming is the first step. In the next step, you may need to have a Trenchless Sewer line Repair company clean it out or repair it. Once you have removed the flies, seal any openings that allowed the flies to enter the drain in the first place.
Boil the kettle
Simply sprinkle some cleansing powder, like Arm & Hammer’s Baking Soda Flush, down the drain, and cover it with hot water. The boiling water will help dissolve the annoying larvae. Then, you can flush the drain with boiling water or run it under cold water. Just be sure to empty the sink after each use.
Locate the leak
Drain flies are tiny flying insects that hatch from eggs laid in piles of wet, organic matter. They are often found in drains, grease traps, sewers, and septic systems, but any moist, dark area will do. The larvae and pupae of drain flies feed on decaying organic matter, while adult drain flies feed on nectar and plant juices. The adult drain flies are rarely seen and are usually only noticed when you start to notice flies in your home or on your kitchen surfaces. That is why you need to locate any leaking pipes in your home; it will help you get rid of all the drain flies. In case you find it difficult to do it on your own, simply hire a professional from a reputed plumbing repair service in Jupiter, FL (or wherever you are based for that matter), and get it inspected and fixed. This way you can have nice and clean surroundings that do not have any buzzing flies around your food or ear.
Drain flies are a common household pet. Remember these pesky little pests are especially problematic in basements and bathrooms since they love moisture and can lay hundreds of eggs in sinks, tubs, and drains. Fortunately, getting rid of drain flies does not need to involve harsh chemicals or lots of work. That is why we gather all the tips above for you to follow and help you get rid of drain flies.